Mental and Emotional Well-Being
Well-being is defined by the Oxford English dictionary as “the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy”.
Children need to have their basic needs met, for example, a home, healthy diet, rest and exercise as well as to feel safe and loved, to feel respected and to know that their opinions matter. Education and Health are very closely linked – there is lots of evidence to show that a strong focus on well-being for children gives increased academic achievement.
At Oxhill Nursery School we know that the children need positive relationships and we foster a sense of belonging with staff that are sensitive and responsive to the children’s needs, feelings and interests. We support the children’s developing independence and set clear boundaries which will help the children to feel safe. If we can increase well-being in the Early Years, it will help children carry resilience and happiness going forward and most importantly give them the tools to be the best they can be and reach their full potential.
Accessing Support
Click on the images or links to access Mental Health and Emotional support adults and children
Emotional Wellbeing Interactive Sheet (Adults) download
CYP Emotional Wellbeing Interactive Sheet download
You can link directly to Durham County Council for the above information.
At Oxhill Nursery School
We have a very strong team ethic – our staff are very experienced and resilient, we invest in them with training and support each other when it is needed. We continue to raise awareness of mental health issues and encourage openness about mental health and mental illness among children, staff and parents. We have a Governor assigned to monitor staff and children’s well-being throughout the school year.
We aren’t experts on mental health and don’t think we need to be! We simply need to be compassionate and listen. An understanding and awareness of mental health can help support our own well-being as well as the well-being of those we work with.