We plan a wide variety of enrichment experiences for our children. Sometimes these are based on their current interests (to extend learning), sometimes they are based on igniting new interests (introducing new learning), and sometimes they are based on developing the Nursery School as being part of the wider community.
The children travel on foot, by public bus, and minibus!
Here are a few examples:
- Visits to local libraries
- Nature activities in own woodland area in small groups
- Cooking activities; making fruit salad, porridge, pancakes, sandwiches – developing sense of family/group and learning about different foods
- Visits to Stanley town centre, to do carol singing at Christmas
- Visit to local ASDA or Aldi stores to collect groceries for snack or special ingredients for baking – making lists, mathematics, involvement in the community
- Visits to farms – learning about animals and farming
- Christmas party
- Visit to Post Office to post our letters to Santa
- Visit from Santa
- Shopping at local shops – making lists, mathematics, involvement in the community
- Special days – stay and play sessions, teddy bears’ picnic, Easter egg hunt, ice cream man, sponsored Welly Walk
- Visits to Prince Bishop’s vets on minibus
- Annual family seaside trip
- Visits to Beamish Museum,
- Visitors in school e.g. dentist, Zoo lab, Jet and Ben Police dogs, Fire Service,
- Hatching butterflies
- Yoga to help develop physical skills and a sense of calm and wellbeing
- Ready Sett Go! To get our preschool children moving
- Family Gardening days – Welcomes families into our gardens in Spring time to help prepare these spaces for the summer
- Growing our own vegetables in the allotment
- Tasting and making food from the allotment produce
- Delivering food parcels to our neighbours in Mandela Close
- Singing our favourite Christmas songs to our neighbours
These activities provide a different dimension to children’s usual experiences whilst also providing a vehicle to strengthen links with parents, carers, families and our community.